I finally took the plunge and am attempting blogging. Specifically, as this site is directly connected to my Github, it seems like a great place to showcase some of my projects and write about my experiences as I learn data analytics. Stack Overflow and numerous blogs have come to my aid as I have been learning R and Python over the last several months, so I hope I can use this blog to share some of the things I’ve learned as well. Plus, I have never built a website before, so this is also a great learning opportunity. I may also write about some topics not directly related to data analytics as time goes on. We’ll see how it goes!

This site was created with the blogdown R package, RStudio, Hugo, and this helpful how-to guide. I am using the two-repository method described in the post. Unfortunately, I could not get my computer to recognize the josephcarl.github.io folder via the publishDir option in the config.toml file, as described in the tutorial. I had to manually copy my files to that folder as a workaround, then commit the josephcarl.github.io folder to its repo. Thankfully that doesn’t take too much work, but I’m hoping to find a better workaround soon. It’s going to be a work in progress, but I’m excited to get started!